Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Major Award

Thank you Kerry, AKA Hamchuckles for nominating me for an award! I do not have anyone else to nominate yet as I am fairly new to the blogging world, but eventually I will be able to return the favor. In the mean time, here are my 10 things about me...

1. Music is a HUGE part of my life. When I remember times in my life, I relate them to songs I remember on the radio. There is not a genre of music I do not like, except maybe gansta rap...yeah I think I can say that one safely is not a fav.

2. I only listen to NPR on my radio...I LOVE LOVE LOVE Open Tunings and World Cafe. I wake up to Morning Edition and end my day with All Things Considered..if that make me a nerd, so be it.

3. My favorite thing to do is a wine tour with my boyfriend...and not in a limo with a bunch of drunks (no offense drunks:) We pack a little lunch of crackers and cheeses, plot out where we want to hit, jump in the truck and go. We will find a nice little spot, hopefully in a vineyard for our lunch and enjoy the day together. Even if the wine sucks, the company is great♥

4. I am addicted to Goodwill and VOA... find myself in Walmart looking at clothes and thinking "I can get that cheaper at Goodwill."

5. I am the only person in my house who can fold the towels. because I am the only one who can fold them right.

6. I own too many hats and purses...and only wear/use one or two anyway.

7. I have an abnormal fear of closed spaces, I can't even put my head under the bed to look for something.

8. Hell on earth to me is a trip to Texas in summer.

9. My Mom and my Sister are my 2 best friends

10. I love indie films and documentaries..especially history documentaries


  1. Yeah, why is it that no one else can fold towels right??

  2. I have a way, I think my Mom always did it to me, and it drives me nuts if they aren't done right! When we are folding laundry, Doug will always offer to fold the towels because he knows it will drive me insane if I don't fold them. What can I say, I have
